Saturday, August 22, 2009

All Fired Up

Only have time to do a short entry today, It's Kyla's birthday party and I have TONNES to do! Still, I thought I'd just put in this weeks "score" check for those keeping track....

I ate quiet well this week. The only down turn was getting fried rice with our otherwise relatively healthy Chinese meal on Thursday night. I HAD planned to burn it all off yesterday but here in Canberra we had this very unusual occurrence....I believe it is called RAIN. So no walking for me.

I'm back at work now though and I think that gets me off my arse and moving around.

Anywho, lets get to the punchline. Jumped on the scales this morning, looked down, 113.3kg. That's 1.2kg lost this week! my biggest so far!! Takes my total to 2.7kgs less of Jacqui in three weeks! Skinny Jacqui....Here I come!!


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